Abbeyfield England financial and annual reports

While Abbeyfield boasts a rich and successful legacy for almost 70 years, Abbeyfield England is a newly formed national body. Our first audited financial statements for Abbeyfield England are currently in development and will be available in 2025.

Our network consists of almost 100 independent Abbeyfield Member Societies across England and Wales, each managing its own finances and their own set of audited accounts.

We value transparency, clear communication, and financial responsibility. Your feedback is always welcome.

Two Smiling Older Women Enjoying A Game Of Chess And A Tea

About Abbeyfield England

Discover Abbeyfield England, the national network supporting almost 100 local Abbeyfield Membership Societies. 

Liz Potter

Meet the Abbeyfield England team

Our reputation for delivering outstanding housing and care servives relies on our dedicated staff, volunteers, and management teams - their passion makes it all possible.

Peaceful and well-maintained garden at Westall House Residential Care Home in Horsted Keynes, providing a serene outdoor space for residents.

Our services

From Sheltered Housing to Residential Care Homes, Dementia Friendly Care to Independent Living, explore which of Abbeyfield's housing options right for you.