The Abbeyfield Gloucestershire Society supported this year's annual Caring for Communities and People (CCP) Hamper Scamper appeal.

As part of this project, the CCP accepts donations to help feed those who are isolated and provides gifts for children whose parents are unable to afford them. The Abbeyfield Gloucestershire Society, which manages three sheltered housing facilities for older people in the region, has received £750 from the 'In This Together – Community Matters Fund', operated by Western Power Distribution, to help the CCP in their mission. 

The fund has pledged £750,000 to help local charities, hospitals and hospices this year, two thirds of which has already been awarded to organisations such as Age UK, The Salvation Army and food banks across the South-West, West Midlands and South Wales.

Nikki Browning from the Abbeyfield Gloucestershire Society said:


We are very excited to be working with the CCP and supporting their Hamper Scamper appeal. They kindly provided a shopping list for us, and the essential items we buy, along with some ‘nice-to-haves’, will fill 34 boxes for older people in the local area. We will also be including a Christmas card.

"The residents in our houses know how disheartening and distressing it can be to feel lonely and isolated, especially over the festive period." She continued. "This has only been compounded by the coronavirus pandemic and they feel passionately about wanting to help those less fortunate than themselves. It is our hope that the Abbeyfield contribution will make a difference and help the recipients of our hampers to feel reassured, knowing that there are others who care about them nearby.”

The CCP also received £750 from the Western Power Distribution fund for the Hamper Scamper appeal. Katie Dainty, who has helped coordinate the project, said, “2020 has been a tough year for so many of us, but we have been blown away by the generosity of our local community and supporters in Gloucestershire who have rallied behind our Hamper Scamper appeal.

"We are currently busy packing over 1,800 food hampers ready to be distributed to families and individuals who may be isolated and alone or struggling to make ends meet this Christmas time. We could not achieve this without the support from people like the team at Abbeyfield. Thank you so much for helping us to light up their Christmas!”

Well done to the Abbeyfield Gloucestershire Society for taking part in this fantastic appeal and thank you to Caring for Communities and People, for creating the appeal to help vulnerable people at Christmas.