An adorable black Labrador called Monty is bringing joy to staff, residents and visitors at our Bradbury House care home in Beaconsfield.

Having enjoyed the company of another Labrador for over 12 years, everyone at the house knew straight away that they’d like to get another dog when he sadly passed.

“When we met Monty, we thought he’d be perfect for us,” says Wendy, the Registered Manager at Bradbury House.

Providing lots of cuddles and keeping everyone busy with plenty of playtime, Monty is already settling in well, with many of the residents starting to form a special connection with him.

"I love dogs," says resident Mrs S Whibley "he's welcome to come to my room when he wants, seeing him so happy just makes me happy." 

The benefits of dogs for older people

It has long been proven that having a dog offers a number of benefits for overall health and well-being:

Improving cardiovascular health

As dogs need regular walks and plenty of exercise, becoming a dog owner is a fantastic way for older people to stay fit and healthy. This comes with its own benefits, such as falls prevention and protecting against certain age-related conditions like heart disease and dementia.

Lowers blood pressure

Several studies have found that dog owners tend to have lower blood pressure than people who don’t own dogs. While this is, in part, due to them tending to get more exercise, it’s also been reported that the calming effects of simply stroking a dog are enough to lower blood pressure and reduce stress.

Increase your sense of purpose

For people who are retired or no longer have much of a family support system around them, dogs can help to increase a sense of purpose and meaning. Having something to care for and something to get up for in the morning helps to keep a routine and is great for your overall mental well-being.

Alleviating loneliness

Owning a dog provides a fantastic companion for anyone, however can be particularly special for older people within a care setting. Dogs are a real connecting factor for people – not only do they encourage conversation and reminince, they also encourage interaction between residents.

How Monty is bringing joy to the care home 

It’s clear that these benefits are being felt by Bradbury House residents, staff and visitors alike.

Mrs E Gillingham, who regularly comes into the home to visit her husband, says "We've always had Labradors, they're the best breed to have! We were so sad when ours died, so its lovely to be greeted by Monty when I come and visit.”

Monty arrived at Bradbury House when he was just nine weeks old, and has now become a much loved member of the family. He's even helped to bring people from the local community together, too, after a Facebook post asking for volunteer dog walkers was posted and the house was overwhelmed with generous local people offering their services! 

“So many kind people have been in contact, it’s wonderful to be part of such a caring local community,” says Wendy.

Now, a walking rota has been set up and Monty enjoys walks with so many different friends. It's great to see the way that he is bringing people together and enhancing so many lives. 

“Having that connection with a pet brings real pleasure to people,” says Registered Manager Wendy.

“Monty has a positive effect on absolutely everybody's well-being.”

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