Session Six: APPG on Housing and Care for Older People

Abbeyfield Chief Executive Paul Tennant, Head of Development & Relationships Abdul A Ravat, Abbeyfield South Downs CEO Nolan Taylor and Abbeyfield The Dales CEO Philip Birkinshaw were delighted to participate in the sixth and final session of the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Housing and Care for Older People Inquiry yesterday at the House of Lords. 

The Inquiry, sponsored by Abbeyfield with secretariat support provided by Housing LIN, aims to explore the best ways to regenerate our existing stock of outdated sheltered housing to meet the expectations of the 21st century.  We are grateful for the contributions provided by Abbeyfield The Dales, Abbeyfield South Downs, and Abbeyfield Wessex Societies.

The Inquiry has actively sought evidence from those within the sector around sheltered / retirement housing in both the social and private sectors, encompassing various tenures such as social rent, affordable rent, leasehold, sale and shared ownership.

Chaired by Lord Best, yesterday’s session brought a panel of sector leaders together to discuss an overview of the recommendations that have come out of the Inquiry. This session was critical to the report conclusions and a direct appeal to government – and its delivery agencies, Homes England & the GLA as well as the DHSC – to be mindful of the special position of housing for later living.

The Inquiry report will be launched in June.

Older Woman Sitting On Bench In Garden Whilst Chatting On Phone

Learn more about the APPG on Housing and Care for Older People

Abbeyfield is proud to be sponsoring a new inquiry into the regeneration of outdated sheltered housing, launched on 20th June 2023 by the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Housing and Care for Older People.

The inquiry, due to run until summer 2024, will examine issues and opportunities to modernise for better housing options for older people. The report is due in summer 2024 to advise the government.

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