We think our volunteers are amazing and our house and homes across the country are incredibly grateful for the support they receive from their volunteers. We spoke to Carol, a volunteer at The Abbeyfield House in Hadleigh to find out why she volunteers at Abbeyfield and why it's important.

How did you find out about volunteering at Abbeyfield and why did you choose to volunteer?

I did a Google search for voluntary positions and Abbeyfield came up on do-it.org. I went to three different voluntary interviews but I just thought Abbeyfield was what I wanted to do. Also a very good plus point was they are so flexible about when I wanted to attend or if I was away on holiday. They are grateful for whatever time you can give, be it one hour to every day, all help is so gladly received and they are truly grateful for your assistance.

What does your role involve?

My role mainly insists of attending their coffee mornings and making them drinks etc. After that we either just sit and chat or play some sort of group game. I get small amounts of shopping for them and post letters.

Whats your favourite thing about volunteering?

I always knew that I would do some sort of voluntary work when I retired as I wanted to give something back to the community.

Why do you think Abbeyfield's mission is an important one to support?

I think the mission "to enhance the quality of older peoples lives" is commendable as I think it's what any older person strives for.

What would you say to someone who is thinking about volunteering?

I would say to anybody, even if they are just thinking about volunteering, is to give it a go. You don’t know if its for you until you have tried something. I would also like to add that its not a one way street with the elderly as they are really interesting to listen to and it's surprising what you learn from them.

When people choose to volunteer it can be for a number of different reasons; giving back to the community, learning new skills, enriching their own lives or the lives of our residents and staff. Whatever it may be for you, if you're interested in finding out more about volunteering at Abbeyfield or specific roles at our houses and homes please email volunteering@abbeyfield.com.


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