Residents of Abbeyfield House in Alnwick, Northumberland, have been enjoying the company of Flash, a former racing greyhound, who has recently moved in.

Flash has his own living area, joins in activities and interacts freely with residents and visitors, who have all fallen under his spell. Siblings Maureen and Ian McLellan are two of his biggest fans, having owned dogs all their lives until moving to Abbeyfield House.


I’ve always liked animals and we always had dogs. Flash is a lovely, friendly animal.  Just having him here is very calming. Mind, he likes the ladies!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              – Ian McLellan, Resident

Flash’s positive impact on the home, along with several other improvements, have not gone unnoticed by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Upon upgrading their rating of Abbeyfield House to ‘Good’, they noted that Flash had significantly ‘enhanced the residents’ quality of life.’

Chairman of North Northumberland Extra Care Society, Jim Thompson, said:

Flash has helped turn our house into a home. He actively seeks out the residents and befriends them. He has really helped raise the mood, and I’m pleased the CQC took the time to recognise him and the positive contribution he is making.


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