This week staff and residents hosted a birthday party for Hope Bank View to celebrate their home turning one. There was cake, balloons, banners, singing, speeches and sparkling wine - all the ingredients to a fantastic birthday. 

Joined by family and friends the home was filled with chatter and stories of how far Hope Bank View has come since opening. Housing and Care Manager, Jayne, said, "I remember when I first got the role at Hope Bank View. The house was just about to be completed and was a blank canvas - at that point we had no residents, staff, furniture...not even a photo on the wall. As I walked around the building I wondered what it would look and feel like when residents moved in and was full of hustle and bustle. Well, the house has exceeded all of my expectations to become a warm, welcoming, friendly environment. 

"It is a pleasure to come to work everyday. My staff have all developed and grown into their roles and have proved to be an exceptional group of people. Whether they are delivering care, carrying out domestic services, cooking for residents or completing admin tasks, they have all, every single one of them, made Hope Bank View a beautiful place to live and work. 

"But I'm most proud of the residents who live here. They have created a home they want to live in and collaborated with staff to create a never-ending list of activities and entertainment. From the knitting club to music group, charity coffee mornings to pottering in the garden, the residents have created and completed our home."

We hope you'll join us in wishing Hope Bank View a happy first birthday! We're sure this will be a birthday that's remembered for years to come. 


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