Valerie, Abbeyfield Hope Bank View Image


Valerie, Abbeyfield Hope Bank View

Introducing Valerie, or Val for short—a vibrant 70-something-year-old breaking all stereotypes. With her striking pink hair, she leads her own knitting group and has a wealth of stories and wisdom to offer.

Thrill-seeker Betty helps fundraise for a summer house  Image


Thrill-seeker Betty helps fundraise for a summer house

In an effort to raise the funds needed to help build a new summer house at Abbeyfield Gloucestershire Society’s Cheltenham House – Betty proved the sky's the limit to what can be accomplished!

Ronald Cragg, Westall House Image


Ronald Cragg, Westall House

Born to parents Elizabeth and Arthur, Ronald grew up in Preston with an older brother, billy goat, two rabbits and some fish.

Peter Tyler, Resident at Hale Court Image


Peter Tyler, Resident at Hale Court

Aged 18 Peter was destined to study classics at Cambridge University, but with WWII continuing his path was altered.

Mandeep Rehal, Jim Gillespie House Image


Mandeep Rehal, Jim Gillespie House

It’s hard not to smile when you first meet Mandeep, his enthusiasm and positive personality is infectious. And it’s because of this that Mandeep has recently won an Abbeyfield ‘Making Time Award’ for ‘Most Support Given to a Resident’.

Katie, Care Assistant at Westall House Image


Katie, Care Assistant at Westall House

It was a family tie that first bought Katie to Westall House, a 21 bed care home located in the leafy West Sussex village of Horsted Keynes.

Joyce Frost Image


Joyce Frost

In 1942, Joyce was volunteering for the Navy, but with WWII continuing they enlisted women as WREN’s, Women’s Royal Naval Service.

Peter’s green thumbs brighten up Clifton House Image


Peter’s green thumbs brighten up Clifton House

Peter, resident of Abbeyfield Clifton House, is using his passion for gardening to help transform the outdoor spaces at the house and the local community – even creating a Hotel for Bugs!

Peter walks every day for Christian Aid Week Image


Peter walks every day for Christian Aid Week

Aged 90, Peter, was still determined to spend his time helping others as he pledges to walk 32km to raise money for Christian Aid Week 2020.