First time shopping for food online? Here's some advice on where to start.

Read our guidance and advice on how to stay safe when shopping online below.

Whilst staying at home we want to make sure you feel at ease with all your needs met. For many people this might be the first time they've shopped online for food so we've listed some information about when and where you can get the essentials you need from the comfort of your own home. 


Where can I get food deliveries from? 

Many supermarket chains have introduced priority delivery slots to support older people to get the supplies they need.

These shops are offering delivery and prioritising vulnerable/older customers: 

What if i'm not sure how to order online?

It's more simple than you think! If you fancy trying it out, just follow our step-by-step guidance below. 


  • Step 2: Look for the groceries tab on each page and follow the steps to register. You may be taken straight to a log in page where you will need to register using your email. 


  • Step 3: Once registered and logged in, you may be asked to choose your delivery slot or begin shopping. Most supermarkets have started to ask for customers to choose a slot first, so that it is reserved. We advise you to do this, then begin shopping.  


  • Step 4: Add your items to you basket using either the search bar or the site navigation. Once finished click on your basket and checkout with your card. 


If you’re still having trouble and can't ask family, friends or neighbours for support, you can use the following options.

Are there any shops still offering non-essential goods?

Yes! There are many online shops still delivering things like clothes, wool, DIY tools, gardening goods, board games, home furnishings and entertainment such as books or DVDs. 

They are used very similarly to the websites above, where you register to place your order. Some may have a 'Checkout as guest' option.

Here are some of our favourite websites for non-essential goods: 

Top tips & information

  • Make a list of the things you need day-to-day (food, household essentials and medication).

  • It may take longer than usual to receive online deliveries to your home, so plan ahead, especially if you have prescriptions delivered.

  • If someone claims to be from a recognised organisation, ask to see proof or check with the organisation itself.

  • If someone you don’t know offers you help with your shopping don’t feel pressured to accept help. If you do accept help never hand-over money, bank details or cards to someone you don’t know offering to help you.

  • If someone offers to do your shopping, ask for a receipt so that you can pay them on their return to cover the costs of the items.

  • Use a secure password, and change it for each account. Make sure you're using a mixture of uppercase and lower case letters, numbers and special characters (i.e. !, # or *).