They say good things come in threes... three wise men, three gifts, a three course meal. Well this year Abbeyfield has hosted three brilliant carol services across the country with the last being held in St Albans Cathedral.

On December 19th, residents, volunteers, staff and trustees gathered together in the Lady's Chapel of St Albans Cathedral to celebrate the birth of Jesus and the festive season. 

The service featured favourite hymns and readings as well as a special performance from Andy Green who sang a beautiful solo rendition of 'In the bleak mid-winter'.

Andy Green singing solo

Closing the service, Bishop Stephen Venner invited the congregation to join him in saying the Abbeyfield prayer:

The Abbeyfield Prayer

We thank you, Father, for inspiring and guiding The Abbeyfield Society,
for the many older people who have found happiness, security and friendship through the Abbeyfield movement,
and for the younger people who have discovered the joy of service.

We thank you for those who have had any part in making this Society what it is today.

Now make us courageous in our planning, wise in our deciding, compassionate in our caring and faithful in the carrying of our trust.

In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord,


Smiling older people at St Albans Cathedral

As is tradition, following the service all attendees were invited for coffee and biscuits and a catch up before heading off for a final spot of Christmas shopping.

We'd like to thank all those who helped organise the three carol services of 2019 and extend our gratitude to Liverpool Cathedral, Wellington St Johns Church and St Albans Cathedral for hosting us once again.


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Companionship at Christmas

Christmas is an especially important time of year for older people living in the UK as it’s at this time of year when feelings of loneliness and social isolation are brought to the fore.

Every year, almost 500,000 older people* feel lonelier at Christmas which is why our homes are opening their doors to invite as many people in the community as we can, who would otherwise be alone, to join us over the festive period. Offering the chance to meet new friends, eat good food and take part in festive activities, Companionship at Christmas aims to make sure everybody has someone to spend Christmas with.

* Figure taken from Age UK.

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