Following the wonderful service held in Liverpool, Abbeyfield hosted it's second carol service of the year in Wellington. 

Attended by residents of local houses, members of the community, Abbeyfield staff and volunteers and visitors from a local primary school, the church was full of people and Christmas cheer!

Abbeyfield resident at the Wellington Carol Service

The service was lead with wonderful readings from members of the Abbeyfield Family and followed an uplifting theme of spreading your wings and reaching for your dreams. 

We were fortunate to be joined by two choirs, the first from St John's Church of England Primary School who sang to the congregation in Spanish! Our second choir, The Abbeyfield Family and Friends, gave their debut performance to rapturous applause and stellar reviews!

Choir from St John's Church of England Primary School

Following the service, guests were invited for a mince pie and glass of mulled wine and to chat about their plans for the holiday season. 

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Companionship at Christmas

Christmas is an especially important time of year for older people living in the UK as it’s at this time of year when feelings of loneliness and social isolation are brought to the fore.

Every year, almost 500,000 older people* feel lonelier at Christmas which is why our homes are opening their doors to invite as many people in the community as we can, who would otherwise be alone, to join us over the festive period. Offering the chance to meet new friends, eat good food and take part in festive activities, Companionship at Christmas aims to make sure everybody has someone to spend Christmas with.

* Figure taken from Age UK.

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