We recently spoke to residents; Nicky, Mary and Jane about volunteering and the benefits it has on not on you and your health, but also others around you.



Resident at Girton Green

“From working in a nursing environment, volunteering came very naturally to me. Helping people is in my blood, and I like feeling that I’ve made a difference. It’s allowed me to try something new and help in the in-house shop, which is something I never thought I would do!

I’ve also been involved in the residents’ committee, including as Chair. That was challenging – I had to hold an open surgery every week or else I’d get constantly bombarded! But if you want to socialise, the best way is to volunteer, and we try to involve everyone.

I’ve just taken an online sign language course to help some of our residents who are deaf to be included more. We like to embrace everybody, especially if they feel left out, and we’re also going to be inviting other people from the village who might be alone to our Christmas celebrations at the end of the year.

Last year I decided to step away from some of my roles – I have many other commitments. I still care for the people who need my help and I take the person living across from me to the shops every week. It’s good to keep a balance and it helps me enjoy it when I do offer my time.”

If you want to socialise, the best way is to volunteer.                           






Resident at The Old Vicarage

“I run a ‘bonus ball’ lottery competition every week with all the residents, which helps me raise some money. I put it towards a fun activity, such as an afternoon tea or a day trip somewhere nice. I also help one of my friends with her medicine. The pharmacy charge for delivery, so instead I go to collect it and help her take it.

It makes me happy to know I help people. I enjoy making them laugh and smile, particularly those who don’t have any nearby friends or relatives to visit them. I’d much rather do someone a good turn than a bad turn any day. It’s also nice to be appreciated by the other residents and staff.”

I’d much rather do someone a good turn than a bad turn.






Resident at Girton Green

“My first recollection of helping at Abbeyfield was in 1964 when my daughter was a baby. My mother was also involved so it felt right. I was mainly helping with fundraising and organising outings. I also helped found the mobile shop at one house was Treasurer of the Friends of Abbeyfield Cambridge for a while. I’ve moved a few times, but wherever I lived there was always an Abbeyfield I wanted to help! As a resident, I’ve helped run the house coffee shop too.


I take great pleasure from volunteering and I never feel lonely.





I take great pleasure from volunteering. I love talking to people and being involved; it’s often a very sociable activity and I’m not a shy person! I see myself as lucky, having the time to do it. Although my husband has passed away, I never feel lonely. I love volunteering, and I love Abbeyfield, so it makes perfect sense that I’ve been involved for so long."


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